This community-driven plan will appear on our ballots for approval in the upcoming November 5th election. If successful, the referendum would support the development of:
- Potentially relocating the Green Bay Bike Trail adjacent to Townley Field
- New Recreation Center to Provide Year-Round Programming for All Ages
- Ongoing Improvements to the Outdoor Recreational Spaces on Townley Field

The referendum would allow funding to improve the Green Bay Bike Trail. We would connect the trail between Winnetka and Wilmette through the west side of Townley Field, mitigating safety concerns caused by bicyclists navigating through streets and the school blacktop, and reducing the risk of accidents.

The referendum would also reserve funding to relocate the Green Bay Bike Trail adjacent to Townley Field, mitigating safety concerns caused by bicyclists navigating through streets and the school blacktop, and reducing the risk of accidents. Efforts to realign the trail have been ongoing for several years and will require the continued collaboration with The Joseph Sears School, the Village of Kenilworth, and the Kenilworth Park District. Part of our plan has been to acquire land from the Union Pacific Company to build the trail on the land adjacent to the railroad tracks. Funds have been identified to purchase the land, but Union Pacific has not accepted our offer at this point. As a second option we are working on a potential easement that would allow us to build this portion of the trail as envisioned.
If Union Pacific will not approve a purchase or allow construction on an easement, the park district board has discussed allowing construction of a trail across park District Property on the west side of Townley Field. The plans for the Townley Field improvements will include holding this land with hopes that we can go forward with a realigned Green Bay Trail in the future.
The referendum, as proposed, will allow the park district to fund the construction of only the Townley Field portion of a potential future Green Bay Trail relocation and only if necessary agreements and funding can be worked out among the relevant parties. We will continue to work with the school and the village to develop a way to move forward with the common goal of improving Green Bay Bike Trail traffic through Kenilworth.
With this plan, we will continue to seek additional financial support through applications for various grant opportunities provided by Illinois to park districts with shovel ready projects.
The referendum would also allow for improvements to Townley Field. Improvements include adding new indoor and outdoor ADA accessible restroom facilities, upgrading to new natural grass and a commercial irrigation system, and replacing current lighting with energy efficient LED lights.
With this plan, we will continue to seek additional financial support through applications for various grant opportunities provided by Illinois to park districts with shovel ready projects.