Minor League T-Ball

League Overview

Join IBA and Kenilworth Park District for Spring League Baseball! Participants can sign up individually, as part of a small group, or as a complete team (roster form below). Each registrant will receive a t-shirt and hat.

Minor League (T-Ball)

IBA Minor League players gain confidence, improve coordination, and appreciate the joys of teamwork & sportsmanship. New for 2024, each week will either focus on a skill or on a game. This format allows players to develop and reinforce skills while having plenty of opportunities to experience playing the game! Players in the Minor League will participate in t-ball games where they will learn the basics of the game.

2024 Spring League teams must have at least one parent volunteer to assist in all team safety protocols.

Please contact IBA at bobby@illinoisbaseballacademy.com with questions and requests.” 

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