Town Hall Meetings Flyer
Grand Opening Playground Flyer

Field Usage

Field usage request forms are required for any organized group of 10 individuals or more who would like to utilize Park District property for an organized activity. Submission of a field usage request form does not guarantee approval. Once you have submitted your request, a Park District staff member will get back to you within 72 hours of your submission

Insurance Requirements: All organizations must submit a certificate of insurance naming the Kenilworth Park District as an additional insured. This must be turned into the Park District before the beginning of the season you are applying for. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of all scheduled field use.

Field Usage Request Form

Fees & Billing
The following is a list of fees for field rentals

Townley Field Rental Rates
Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday
Hourly Fee $25.00 $35.00
Field Lining (per Lining) $35.00
Application Fee $150.00
Light Fee $50.00
Baseball Field Turface Application (per Request) $30.00
Centennial Field, Mahoney West, Maggi Park Rental Rates
Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday
Hourly Fee $15.00 $20.00
Application Fee $15.00
*No Lining Available on these Fields $75.00
Pee-Wee Park Baseball Diamond Rental Rates
Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday
Hourly Fee $25.00 $35.00
Application Fee $150.00
Field Lining (per Lining) $35.00
Baseball Field Turface Application (per Request) $30.00

Once applications have been submitted, they will be reviewed by a Park District staff member within 72 hours. If an application is approved, an invoice will be sent to the organization. Each organization must pay the balance of the invoice within 30 days of receipt unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director.

Due dates for Field Usage Requests:

Spring – February 28th
Summer – May 15th
Fall – August 1st
Winter – September 15th

Due Dates for Matches & Games – 2 Weeks Before the date of the match/game. Please Fill out separate request forms for practices & Games.

Field Usage Request Form

Field Usage Policy

The Kenilworth Park District has developed a field usage policy to provide a systematic scheduling playing field. This policy is also intended to protect the quality and playing conditions of the fields. A permit is required for any organized game or practice, other than those games scheduled directly by the Kenilworth Park District. General drop-in use of Park District athletic fields for residents does not require a permit and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. It shall further be the Park District’s attempt through this policy to secure maximum use of available athletic areas through the practice of issuing permits.

Procedure for Securing Permits.

  1. Permit requests by all applicants must be submitted not less than fourteen (14) days before the date(s) requested and not more than six months in advance of the date(s)
  2. Athletic leagues under the sponsorship of the Kenilworth Park District shall, in all cases, be given first preference for the use of
  3. Leagues not sponsored by the District, but whose teams are primarily composed of residents of the Park District, shall be given advance scheduling for the complete season so that league schedules may be established. It shall be the prerogative of the Park District Secretary to cancel any league standing permit if deemed in the best interests of the Park
  4. Organized teams may make applications by dates as established annually to secure a standing permit for not more than two practice sessions per week during that given team’s season. Times and places of practice will be allocated by the District with a view toward the team’s designated These standing permits may be canceled at any time when it is in the best interests of the District. It shall be understood that whenever it becomes necessary to cancel a standing, the District shall attempt to reschedule at another time or place. Any team not applying for a standing permit may be issued a permit on a random basis for available facilities.         
  5. The Kenilworth Park District shall charge fees for permitted use of all playing In addition to field use fees, there may be additional charges for the use of lights and/or a field supervisor. A minimum of two hours is required for a field reservation but may be reserved in increments of thirty minutes after the minimum two-hour period. Fees are charged so that the Park District can pay for labor and materials required to maintain the fields at a high level.

* Depending on the size of the request, the Park District reserves the right to assign a site supervisor(s). The renter is responsible for paying $20/hour for each required. Included with the supervisor fee are an on-site supervisor and the use of bases.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Alteration to the playing area is prohibited. 
  2. All permit holders must check the playing area for safety before each If soccer goals are involved, the permit holder is also responsible for checking the stability of the goals. If the playing area is unsafe or if soccer goals are unstable, do not use the field and contact the Kenilworth Park District immediately at (847) 251-1691.
  3. Installation of soccer goals on Park District or Village property is strictly prohibited without consent from the Park District’s Executive
  4. The permit holder is responsible for the conduct of players and spectators before, during, and after the athletic
  5. Alcohol is prohibited on all Park District and Village property at all
  6. The selling of food, beverages, or merchandise is prohibited without the written consent of the Kenilworth Park
  7. Permit holders must obey all posted rules and
  8. The Park District reserves the right but assumes no obligation, to prohibit the use of any athletic field, based upon a determination by the Park District’s Executive Director or designee that weather or field conditions are unsuitable for the intended use, regardless of whether or not the user holds a permit for such use. The effort will be made to give as much advance notice as possible to the scheduled field user if the Park District cancels a game, practice, or other permitted fields
  9. The Park District will take measures it deems reasonable to prepare fields for play to minimize the need to cancel games, practices, or other permitted fields However, the user is encouraged and expected to review weather and field conditions before each scheduled use and to cancel games or practices when weather or field conditions place participants at increased risk for injury or if the use of the field(s) would result in damage that would jeopardize the prospect of playing future games on the field(s) in the near term.
  10. In the event of disagreement between the Park District and the user as to field usage, the Park District’s Executive Director or designee will make the final determination as to field
  11. The rights reserved to the Park District concerning the determination of field usage are not intended to, and shall not, impose on the Park District a higher standard of care, or waive any of the rights, privileges, or immunities afforded the Park District under the Illinois Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity
  12. All permit holders are responsible for reading and obeying the soccer goal policy
  13. Damage to fields from playing after heavy rain, damage to fencing, excessive trash, or any other mistreatment of site amenities will result in the immediate withdrawal of field permit and the possible assessment of damage Please respect the facilities.

Conditions not suitable for play

  1. Electrical and Thunderstorm Emergency Sirens

If lightning is seen, thunder is heard, or the Thorguard Lightning Prediction System activates (15-second horn blast), all games and practices must be stopped, and the players immediately cleared from the field. Players shall seek refuge under a covered shelter, in a car, or inside a building. At locations that have the Thorguard System, wait for the all-clear (3 short horn blasts). If all-clear has not sounded after 20 minutes, the game or practice must be canceled. At locations that do not have the Thorguard System, or if the system is not working, there will be a mandatory twenty (20) minute wait, from the last lightning seen or thunder heard, to see if the storm passes before any play can be resumed.

However, the game or practice must be canceled if the severe weather has continued for thirty (30) minutes. On overcast days coaches must check the Thorguard System at Townley Field. The Thorguard System has a yellow strobe light affixed to the antenna. When the system has been activated, the strobe light flashes every 20 to 30 seconds. If the strobe light is flashing, the system has been activated, conditions for lightning exist, and the fields cannot be used. However, as is always the case, whenever Thorguard activates, lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the fields must be vacated. Players, coaches, and all others must seek the safe refuge of a building or vehicle.

  1. Field Conditions that could limit or prohibit
    1. Standing water on the field of
    2. Soil
      • Walking on turf causes water to
      • Walking on turf on heels creates
      • One inch or more of rain 48 hours before scheduled game or practice accompanied by steady rain on game or practice
      • Extreme drought conditions where 50% of the playing surface has turned (Soccer only)
      • Audible thunder or visible
      • Visibility (darkness).

All coaches and officials are responsible for ensuring the safety of field playing conditions at all times during scheduled play. Safety includes protection of the resource as well as participants.

Determining Field Conditions

For field conditions after rain events, users may check the Kenilworth Park District website at or call the Park District at 847-251-1691 to determine whether play is permitted on the field.