Illegal Fly Dumping in Parks

Over the past few months, several Kenilworth parks have been the victim of illegal fly dumping. “Fly Dumping” is the dumping of any waste material on public or private property. Garbage that is commonly dumped consists of the following:

  • Used Tires
  • Furniture
  • Household Garbage and Animal Waste
  • Construction Debris
  • Appliances
  • Yard Waste
  • Hazardous Waste (Paint or cleaning materials)

Illegal fly dumping endangers public health and is unsightly. Discarded materials such as tires can hold water, which creates a breeding ground for mosquitos. Discarded waste can also endanger children and animals if it is hazardous.

The Kenilworth Park District staff ask that if you see someone dumping illegally in public parks, please call the Kenilworth Police Department immediately at 847-251-2141 with:

  • A Description of the vehicle
  • A license plate number
  • Description of person or persons committing act
  • A note of what is being dumped

The Kenilworth Park District will aggressively prosecute illegal dumpers based on the information that you may provide. Offenders are subject to fines, jail time, and vehicle impounding.

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