Welcome to Kenilworth
Big Adventures Summer Camp!
2nd Grade to 6th Grade
Extended Day is 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Option 1: 4 Weeks – June 9th to July 3rd
Option 2: 4 Weeks – July 7th to August 1st
Option 3: 8 Weeks – June 9th to August 1st
Thank you for choosing to spend your summer days with the Kenilworth Park District! We provide a nurturing and stimulating camp experience that your children will look forward to each day. Our camp counselors and professional staff approach every activity as an important step in the development of your children.
Grab your sunscreen, towel, and sense of Adventure! Our Revamped Big Adventures is taking you on all NEW Field Trips. Whether you like to set ’em up and knock down at Wilmette Bowling Center, or go explore wildlife at the Heller Nature Center, we have an outing for everyone! The Historic Wagner Farm and Hidden Creek AquaPark are waiting for YOU this Summer.
The Kenilworth Park District Big Adventures Camp is designed to:
- Improve physical fitness and general well-being
- Teach new skills in a recreational atmosphere
- Provide an environment where socialization and creativity are encouraged
- Create a sense of achievement and individual worth in each camper with positive reinforcement
Helpful reminders to keep in mind every day:
We must account for all of our campers. Campers must be signed in and out each day. Campers will NOT be released to anyone that is not included in this registration form. This may seem inconvenient, but it is for the safety of your child.
Campers must be picked up ON TIME each day. Please respect this guideline as many counselors and staff members have afternoon commitments.
Please do NOT send your child to camp with toys or electronic devices. The Park District is NOT responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Please send a snack and a clearly labeled water bottle for your child daily. If your camper is staying for the extended day option, please don’t forget to pack a lunch! We do NOT provide food for the campers.
There will NOT be camp on July 4th and July 5th!
Don’t forget the sunscreen! Please bring extra sunscreen for your child!
Should you have any questions, please contact the Kenilworth Park District at 847-251-1691 or email twallace@kpdistrict.org
What to Wear to Camp
Please apply sunscreen at home before camp starts!
On beach days, please send your child to camp with a bathing towel, water bottle, and sunscreen. Please label all items with your child’s name. Spray-on sunscreen is best.
Children MUST arrive in closed-toe shoes, preferably sneakers. This helps to prevent injuries.
What NOT to Bring
Please do not allow your child to bring toys or any items of monetary or sentimental value to camp. This includes electronics, trading cards, and water guns. The Kenilworth Park District is NOT responsible for the loss, theft, or breakage of such items.
Late Fees
Parents who arrive late to pick up their children will be assessed a late fee of $10.00 for the first 15 minutes and an additional $1.00 for every minute thereafter. Late fees can be paid at the Kenilworth Park District Main Office at 410 Kenilworth Ave. Cash or checks made payable to the Kenilworth Park District are acceptable forms of payment.
Kenilworth Park District Refund Policy
If you have any questions regarding refunds, please call the Kenilworth Park District Main Office at 847-251-1691.
The Kenilworth Park District reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or combine classes, or change instructors. Insufficient enrollment may cause a class/program or event to be canceled. If this happens, registrants will be notified and given a full refund.
- Withdrawals 5 days prior to the start date of the program/event will receive a full refund.
- Withdrawals less than 5 days prior to the start date of the program/event will receive a refund less a 20% fee.
- Withdrawals requested for a class/program or event after it has begun will only be given in the event of an illness, injury, or relocation.
- Refund requests due to relocation must provide documentation as proof of imminent relocation.
- Refund requests due to illness or injury must provide Doctors’ documentation. Refunds will be prorated based on the date the medical documentation is received.
- The Kenilworth Park District will not issue refunds for classes that are canceled due to inclement weather, or other circumstances beyond the District’s control.
The Kenilworth Park District does not pro-rate camp fees for any reason. The Kenilworth Park District hires staff, purchases materials, and makes certain accommodations off of the total number of registrants for the camp. For that reason, the Kenilworth Park District will not pro-rate any camp fee for any reason. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Inclement Weather
During times of inclement weather, camp may be canceled. We unfortunately, do not have access to an indoor facility this summer due to construction at the Joseph Sears School.
Early Release
Campers will only be released to their parent/guardian/emergency contact. Campers will NOT be released to a person who is not included in this application for ANY reason. The Kenilworth Park District holds the safety of children as its number one priority. In the event that a participant should need to leave earlier than their scheduled time, the participant MUST be signed out by a Park District Staff Member for safety.
Kenilworth Park District Photography/Video Policy
Kenilworth Park District staff and contractors occasionally take photographs and videotapes of our programs for publicity purposes. By enrolling in a public program of, by or through the Park District, you give consent for such photos and videos of both participants and spectators. Please be aware that these photos may be used in program guides, brochures, news releases, the District’s website, social media or other promotions. If you do not wish to have an image of your participant or associated spectators used in such a way, please let the head of the particular program know and we will do our best to accommodate your request (but we cannot guarantee 100% non-usage)