Project Details

This community-driven plan will appear on our ballots for approval in the upcoming November 5th election. If successful, the referendum would support the development of:

  • New, Safer Green Bay Bike Trail
  • New Recreation Center to Provide Year-Round Programming for All Ages
  • Ongoing Improvements to the Outdoor Recreational Spaces on Townley Field
Trail 1
Old Rec Center
Bike Path Old
Bike Path Trail
Bike Path 3

The referendum would allow funding to improve the Green Bay Bike Trail. We would connect the trail between Winnetka and Wilmette through the west side of Townley Field, mitigating safety concerns caused by bicyclists navigating through streets and the school blacktop, and reducing the risk of accidents.

Trail Map

The referendum would allow funding for a new recreation center, replacing the Village House with a modern, larger, more energy efficient facility that supports all-age programs year-round and during inclement weather. This will include a basketball gym to support sports activities, indoor pickleball, and clinics. It will include indoor multipurpose spaces for all-age programs, space for the school during inclement weather, and space that can be rented by community organizations for meetings and events. It could also include an outdoor terrace attached to the rec center to allow residents to enjoy outdoor sporting and leisure activities.

The referendum would also allow for improvements to Townley Field. Improvements include adding new indoor and outdoor ADA accessible restroom facilities, upgrading to new natural grass and a commercial irrigation system, and replacing current lighting with energy efficient LED lights.

With this plan, we will continue to seek additional financial support through applications for various grant opportunities provided by Illinois to park districts with shovel ready projects.

Concept Rendering 1
Concept Rendering 3
Concept Rendering 4
Concept Rendering 2024